b12 mavericks++++++++++our newest project++++++++++explore now++++++++++b12 mavericks++++++++++our newest project++++++++++apply now++++++++++

research or die.


dear amazing people,


b12 wants to give back, so we invented a couple of initiatives. please have a look:



war zones


as the world seems to not learn from history and continues to try to solve conflicts through wars, we feel it is our duty to step up and get active. we feel for so many people getting pushed into physical harm and mental stress.  


consequently, b12 wants to help and support. donating money is one thing that we have done, but we would also like to give dancers from war inflicted areas, who recently had to flee due to the war, an opportunity. an opportunity to feel welcomed here in berlin and gain back a fraction of normality in their lives by joining b12 spring, summer and fall free of charge:


we are giving away a 4-day workshop to ten dancers who had to leave their home country due to the terrible circumstances that they have had to face.


b12 summer is happening from the 1st - 28th of july 2024.


you only need to do is to check out our social media closer to the festival. all the details will be announced there.


looking forward to having you here at the b12 family.






we condemn israel’s ​continued ongoing war in gaza and ask it to stop immediately. ​infact, we ask to stop any ​type of violence or action which can fuel the war. we do not condemn all israelis across the board, ​but we are condemning the ​actions of the ​current government of Israe​l​ and the people who are supporting it. b12 is asking the violence to stop and supports the APPLICATION OF THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE IN THE GAZA STRIP from the​ INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE:
“…The State of Israel shall, in conformity with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and in view of the worsening conditions of life faced by civilians in the Rafah Governorate:
Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Maintain open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance;
Take effective measures to ensure the unimpeded access to the Gaza Strip of any commission of inquiry, fact-finding mission or other investigative body mandated by competent organs of the United Nations to investigate allegations of genocide;…”

police violence

as a festival invested in diversity and inclusivity, we are devastated by the news, witnessing unleashed brutality and injustice against the black community in the usa. we believe in bringing people together, and we stand in solidarity with everyone who is facing inequality, discrimination and repression. we mourn all those who have lost their lives at the hands of police brutality, and our heart goes out to their families. black lives matter.


we celebrate diversity and inclusivity

we support bringing people from different backgrounds together

we believe the strength of the community lies in the individuality of the people

we have to continue to tear down racist systems. not only in the usa.


we encourage everybody to take a look at these sites, and support the fight against white supremacy and, if possible, make donations, like b12, to the organisations listed below.


black lives matter:



movement for black lives:



to connect with leaders building grassroots campaigns:



here is also a link to an article that lists more than 150 black-owned businesses in north america and elsewhere:







b12 has been committed to consciousness and sustainability ever since we started. here is what we do, and what you can do, to ensure that our actions are effective and have a positive impact on the environment:


b12 is part of a donation program to plant trees around the world - this year we will again will match the number of participants at b12 spring, summer and fall with trees: b12 is donating one tree for each participant that comes to berlin! we have chosen differnet locations to dedicate our support. we have been doing this for the last 3 years. you can see what we were able to do by clicking this link. please follow more on the projects here:








we are hopeful and want to contribute to a sustainable world. if you like the idea of reforestation please consider donating as well.


we promote a plastic-free environment here at b12, asking everybody not to use or bring single-use plastic bottles, plastic cutlery, or plastic dishes. at the venue, you can find a cafe with vegetarian food and drinks - with sustainable tableware, as well as very good tap water to fill up your reusable water bottle.


when traveling from another country to b12, please consider going by train instead of a plane. when traveling within berlin, please consider using a bike or taking public transport.


we are bringing artists from all over the world in a specific time frame to b12 and we aim to minimize the number of flights for each teacher as much as possible.


we decreased our printed promotional material for b12 to only a few items! everything else is shared online. we are also working in a mobile office, sharing resources as much as we can.


we hold our main, four week long lasting festival in the summer, having literally no heating emissions and using very little electricity, trying to make use of daylight as much as possible.


we produce only fair trade and eco-friendly t-shirts and hoodies for our participants and teachers!


we are open to suggestions on how b12 can have a greater impact on helping the environment each year, so if you have any ideas on how we can be more sustainable, please let us know!


we are you.


your b12 team

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b12 |||||||||||||| 2024 |||||||||||||| we are you ||||||||||||||