b12 fall
research or die.

© barlas şahinoğlu
b12 fall
— // —location: eden***** studios
roser lópez espinosa
floorwork & partnering
roser lópez espinosa's work is based on a strong physicality, with great passion for precision, delicacy, acrobatic elements and detail. collaboration and teamwork go hand in hand in a playful, physical universe, with refined poetics and a touch of humour. this workshop proposes a movement approach stemming from an articulated and creative body. we will focus on the richness of the spine to search for curves, spirals, twists, ripples, and combined undulating movements. we will go through floorwork practices, including simple acrobatic movements, while paying attention to the functional use of our anatomy for our maximum movement potential. we will work on partnering and group mechanics, researching on supports, weight transfers and propulsions, and explore paths that will progressively unfold from initial subtle moves to strategies of greater complexity. we will activate observation, team work and physical imagination, and put into practice the use of different eye ranges, detail, precision, and playfulness.
the description reflects an artist’s idea which was developed at the time it was submitted to b12. it may have changed by the time the workshop or the performance project is starting. please stay flexible. thank you!
roser lópez espinosa Graduated in the MTD / Amsterdam University of the Arts (The Netherlands) and trained with Olympic gymnastics coach, Jaume Miró, in Barcelona. she has danced with Àngels Margarit / Cia Mudances, Cesc Gelabert, Iago Pericot, katie duck, and filmmaker Isaki Lacuesta, among others. Her own work has been present in the international scene since 2006. she created big format productions, such as L'estol for the National Dance Production of Catalonia, and Trama (Awarded Best Choreography 2019 at the XXII Critics Awards). she created Fine Lines with skånes dansteater (sweden) for the inclusive dance program, Europe Beyond Access, and Cometa, her first piece for young audiences, commissioned by Vorpommern tanzt an (germany), is on tour with over 200 performances world-wide. she's been a guest choreographer for international companies: Skånes Dansteater (Sweden), scottish dance theater (uk), Zagreb Dance Company (Croatia), Conny Janssen Danst (The Netherlands), and MiR Dance Company (Germany), and She has collaborated with circus companies like Mumusic Circus (Catalonia), Compagnie XY (France), etc. she also practices aikido. she's been a resident artist in Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona and an exchange resident artist in NTCH – National Theater and Concert Hall in Taipei (Taiwan). She is an associated artist in La Caldera in Barcelona. Her work has been programmed in international festivals in Europe, Latin America and North America, the Middle East, and Asia.
company info
roser lópez espinosa's work is based on a strong physicality, with great passion for precision, delicacy, acrobatic elements, and detail. collaboration and teamwork go hand in hand in a playful, physical universe, with refined poetics and a touch of humour. she creates and tours her work through her company lowland.
please be aware of our early bird special offer for this workshop! you can apply for this offer up until the 15th of juni 2025. after the 15th the regular workshop fee applies. applications are accepted up until one day before the workshops starts.
b12 |||||||||||||| 2025 |||||||||||||| we are you ||||||||||||||