b12 mavericks++++++++++our newest project++++++++++explore now++++++++++b12 mavericks++++++++++our newest project++++++++++apply now++++++++++

research or die.

summer | main event

running from the 1st to the 28th of july 2024

© michael slobodian

b12 summer main event


location: eden***** studios


Anne Plamondon

Freelance choreographer and artistic director of Anne Plamondon Productions / former dancer at Rubberband and Kidd Pivot


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safe space

I invite you to share this safe space for learning and creating together. To prepare the body, I will propose set exercises and key principals that I utilize in my creative process, such as presence and breathing. We will at times visit concepts from the RUBBERBAND Method to which I actively contributed. Through choreographic phrases, we will approach the floor with authority, sculpt the space, build structures and explore partnering opportunities. My work process is planned and structured while leaving room for instinct and listening in the present moment. I get excited with research and improvisation while remaining anchored in the body’s skills and achievements. Inhabited by an insatiable curiosity, I feed off of the energy of the room and investigate with passion and vitality. The body is our vessel to communicate truths and positive change, so let’s harbour the spirit of hope together.

please be aware of our early bird special offer for this workshop! you can apply for this offer up until the 24th of march 2024. after the 24th the regular workshop fee applies. applications are accepted up until one day before the workshops starts.

Choreographer, performer, teacher, coach and curator, Anne danced with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, the Nederlands Dans Theater 2, and Gulbenkian Ballet, performing the works of choreographers such as Jiří Kylián, Johan Inger, Ohad Naharin, Paul Lightfoot, Sol Leon, and Angelin Prejliokaj. As a freelance artist she worked with Marie Chouinard, Marcos Morau, and Ina Christel Johannessen. Between 2006 and 2015, Anne danced with Crystal Pite and her company, Kidd Pivot, on four productions, including the duet A Picture of You Falling. Anne joined RUBBERBANDance in 2002, alongside Victor Quijada, and acted as co-artistic director from 2006 to 2015, participating in the creation of over ten works, and was also instrumental in the development of the RUBBERBAND Method. Anne made her choreographic debut with the solo The Same Eyes as Yours (2012), created in collaboration with theatre director Marie Brassard. her work has been presented at the National Arts Center in Ottawa, Jacob’s Pillow, Guggenheim Museum, Live Arts in New York, as well as broadcasted on CBC Arts and Télé-Québec. Most recently, she choreographed for BJM (Ballet Jazz of Montreal). Anne assumes the role of curator at the Domaine Forget International Festival and Academy, where she leads the summer intensive and contributes to the development of dance in the region. She has been teaching and creating at various dance schools across Canada for over 10 years.



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