b12 summer | main event
research or die.

© kunaal, for koy
b12 summer main event
— // —location: eden***** studios
harshvardhan jhaveri
yoga education college
the human being has been bestowed with a native longing to reach out to the transcendental states of consciousness. this inclination led the ancient seers in india to develop ways of this mystical quest the modes of which are experiential in nature. this workshop is a exploration of these experiential time tested and eternal modes of investigation which dig deeper and deeper into the inner space until the inner and outer merge. through āsana, prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra (the art of abstraction), and subtler yoga practices like meditation, the human being is endowed with existential health through an inward movement of awareness, introspection, tranquility, transcendental joy and freedom. yoga philosophy begins with recognising human suffering, its cause, and also provides the practical tools to be liberated from it. this workshop is a synthesis of philosophy and practice delving into the core tenets and themes such as the triad of pain, the triguṇa theory, the three bodies and five sheaths, karma, and metempsychosis. this investigation will use concepts like phylo-synthesis, parallel vigilance and life, death, and breath practices. practices include: āsana, prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhārāṇā, dhyāna - meditation, mantra, mudrā, kriyā, yoga nidrā, śavāsana.
the description reflects an artist’s idea which was developed at the time it was submitted to b12. it may have changed by the time the workshop or the performance project is starting. please stay flexible. thank you!
Harshvardhan is a young, practicing yoga scholar from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, India, where he just completed a Masters degree in Yogaśāstra. His mission is to live, teach and widen the horizon of the spiritual message of yoga. He has co-founded the Yoga Education Collective with Eddie Stern and Robert Moses and is dedicated to preserving and teaching traditional Yoga practices and philosophies in an increasingly modernised world. Harsh is a Member of the Ad-hoc Board of Studies for Yoga in H.S.N.C University in Mumbai. He is an avid swimmer and beginner freediver and is always on the lookout for a dip in nature - be it in the mountains or the ocean. An ascendance of mighty peace is the greatest takeaway experienced by his students.
company info
yoga education college
Yoga Education College is a group of practitioners and instructors who are dedicated to preserving and teaching traditional Yoga practices and philosophies. Our vision is to strengthen our collective memory of the purpose, practice, and implementation of Yoga and its various disciplines in an increasingly modernised world through online courses and teacher training. the Founding members are Robert Moses, Eddie Stern and Harshvardhan Jhaveri.
please be aware of our early bird special offer for this workshop! you can apply for this offer up until the 24th of march 2025. after the 24th the regular workshop fee applies. applications are accepted up until one day before the workshops starts.
b12 |||||||||||||| 2025 |||||||||||||| we are you ||||||||||||||