b12 summer | main event
research or die.

© stefanie loos
b12 summer main event
— // —location: eden***** studios
raul aranha
another contemporary practice
in another Contemporary Practice we will engage in a series of games, technical floorwork, and improvisation scores to learn about the body within the framework of dance. We will explore balance within the body through interactive games that articulate the joints, keeping them mobile and the entire body elastic. the games draw from contemporary partnering, internal & external martial arts, and almost forgotten children's games. we will work on pushing, pulling, sliding, and stepping on the floor. This aspect focuses on understanding our relation to the floor, in the context of gravity and body proportions, and other relations of the body with classical Physics, possibly visiting basics of tricks and acrobatics. The class will also delve into improvisation, playing with instant composition and thematic development. We will dissect and question our choices, while reshaping them with immediate and delayed feedback. this will include Tools and tasks from various contexts. I try to work with non-duality from the beginning until the end; waking up the imagination, listening, non-judgmental analysis, and then focussing on the waking up of the joints, muscles, ligaments, sense organs, etc. Through influences from my work and philosophy, the class aims to create a safe, cooperative-competitive group dynamic, in which active listening, communication, responsibility, and ecology are prioritized, enabling us to play the longest game possible, while keeping it interesting.
the description reflects an artist’s idea which was developed at the time it was submitted to b12. it may have changed by the time the workshop or the performance project is starting. please stay flexible. thank you!
My journey into the world of art began, and is still accompanied, by breaking and hip hop, but I also expanded my horizons and pursued studies in contemporary dance at sead in salzburg. Now, as a multi disciplinary artist, I find myself captivated by the mechanics of various elements. Through an exploration of the senses, movements, voices, physics, effort, softness, pain, and pleasure, I strive to help the body and mind recognize the myriad of information, and experience it in a playful manner. my work is greatly influenced by, and evolves from great mentors, such as Manuel ronda, milla koistinen, meg stuart/damaged goods, jozef & linda (fighting monkey), paul blackman, Raam (cvn kalari), and many others within working and educational fields.
please be aware of our early bird special offer for this workshop! you can apply for this offer up until the 24th of march 2025. after the 24th the regular workshop fee applies. applications are accepted up until one day before the workshops starts.
b12 |||||||||||||| 2025 |||||||||||||| we are you ||||||||||||||