b12 summer | main event
research or die.

© lorenzo scutti
b12 summer main event
— // —location: eden***** studios
akira Yoshida
akira yoshida company
up, but down, but fast, but slow, but wild, but sensitive
Akira Yoshida’s workshop begins with the transformation of the language of Breaking into other forms, qualities and dynamics with a great focus on the distribution and transfer of weight, as well as on the use of body tension. It explores the use of weight as a physical element that allows for quick and light movement, while also examining the creative potential of the body parts that are independent of the ground level. The workshop also looks into how we can elevate, so-called, tricks into movements, by examining their creative makeup and transitions. This research includes experimenting with the body’s limitations, so that its optimal function may be accessed. Once this physical awareness is achieved, the workshop shifts towards using the body theatrically, delving into character creation, imagination, and fantasy, in which we will play with opposites like realism, surrealism, absurdity, etc., always from a playful approach towards dancing/researching/performing.
the description reflects an artist’s idea which was developed at the time it was submitted to b12. it may have changed by the time the workshop or the performance project is starting. please stay flexible. thank you!
Akira Yoshida is a dancer who combines his background in Breaking with contemporary dance and theatre. Starting out as a street performer, he went on to study dance at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD), after receiving the main artistic grant from the government of Navarre. Since then, he has worked for companies such as lali ayguadé company, Peeping Tom, yoann bourgeois, Kukai, QuieroTeatro, Roberto Oliván Performing Arts, Hungry Sharks, Physical Momentum, Ceren Oran, among others. He has co-created the award-winning duets Hito with Chey Jurado, and Gizaki and together to get there with Lali Ayguadé, as well as Ahotsak with Ziomara Hormaetxe. He has also created three solos: Home, oroimen, and Burial of the Bark. He currently works as a performer, choreographer and educator around the globe.
please be aware of our early bird special offer for this workshop! you can apply for this offer up until the 24th of march 2025. after the 24th the regular workshop fee applies. applications are accepted up until one day before the workshops starts.
b12 |||||||||||||| 2025 |||||||||||||| we are you ||||||||||||||