b12 summer | main event
research or die.

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no credits
b12 summer main event
// —location: eden***** studios
Mattef Kuhlmey
no leader improv
no leader improv session is many hours of non-stop improvisation - with all of your b12 friends! come and go as you like. there is no theme, no rules, no leader; just your ideas, your thoughts, and your movement. we have sound support from mattef kuhlmey, who will feed us with non-stop, live electronic music. let this jam be whatever you want it to be! the no leader improv session is only happening four times during the b12 summer festival, and two times with mattef. it is not limited to b12ers. this jam is for all dancers in berlin and whoever wants to join. it is also free of charge! mattef supports us on sunday 20th of july - starting around 21:30 and finishing around 23:30 and wednesday 30th of july - starting around 21:30 and finishing around 23:30. the other two no leader improv sessions are on the 7th and the 13th of july, same times with fabian kalker.
the description reflects an artist’s idea which was developed at the time it was submitted to b12. it may have changed by the time the workshop or the performance project is starting. please stay flexible. thank you!
mattef kuhlmey, born 1968 in east berlin, completed his studies in political science, and has been active since 1999 as a musician, sound designer, and label owner with his band alp, making numerous silent movie soundtracks, such as für panzerkreuzer potemkin, berlin - sinfonie der großstadt, and music for performances by hyoung min kim, jan martens, deborah hay, rabih mroue, gabriele reuter, nico and the navigators, and mathilde monnier. with hyoung min kim and benjamin schälike, he founded the company 5edges in 2022. he is also co-owner of the label fortschritt musik, and has done sound design for gisèle vienne, constanza macras, helena waldmann and the danceon ensemble, salzburg festival, and the thaliatheater hamburg.
b12 |||||||||||||| 2025 |||||||||||||| we are you ||||||||||||||