summer | main event running from the 7th of july to the 3rd of august 2025

research or die.


© isabella mendes

b12 summer main event

no leader improv


we invite every dancer who wants to join this improv session! free access. no rules, no guidelines. make of this improvisation whatever you want. the jam lasts two hours - come and go as you please. the amazing sounds come from mattef and fabian (on different days).


fabian kalker


dates (eden studios)



not barrier-free


Fabian Kalker is a German-French composer and music producer whose musical practice is rooted in instant composition and improvisational practice. He studied composition and guitar, and currently lives and works in Berlin, composing for theatrical productions, installation works, and contemporary dance performances. A focal point of his work is transformative processes, and he draws additional inspiration from science fiction literature and new forms of collective living. Pieces and performances have been showcased at various venues, including Schauspielhaus Zürich, Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Theater Neumarkt Zürich, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Saal 1 at Funkhaus Berlin, Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf, Berghain Kantine, Wehrmühle Biesenthal, sophiensaaele, Radialsystem, and Dampfzentrale Bern.





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