b12 summer | main event
research or die.

no credits
b12 summer main event
— // —location: eden***** studios
Marijke Eliasberg
sifu & scholar of Grandmaster William C. C. Chen
tai chi chuan for dancers: awareness and energy
we will use the Yang style tai chi form from Chinese grandmaster William c. c. Chen as a base to work from and translate the principles to dance and performing. originated in china, tai chi chuan is a mind/body martial art, also referred to as shadow boxing or moving meditation. to an outsider who has never practiced the discipline, tai chi appears to be a slow, choreographed dance. however, there is more to it: it is proven to build strength from the inside out. it means sustaining mindful inner stillness, whilst being in full motion. this requires minimal optimised use of your muscle structure, awareness, and being clear on each detail of the action or expression we aim for, while maintaining total control of the whole body, physically and mentally. the body is not just a skeletal structure, the body is everything. it's shen (spirit), it's i (mind), it's chi (energy). no previous tai chi experience is required to take the workshop.
the description reflects an artist’s idea which was developed at the time it was submitted to b12. it may have changed by the time the workshop or the performance project is starting. please stay flexible. thank you!
MARIJKE ELIASBERG, native of the Netherlands, Founder and Co-Artistic Director of The Next Stage Project (TNSP), has been dancing, teaching, and choreographing for the past 25 years in New York City. With TNSP, she travels around the world, teaching, creating, mentoring, and making exchange and performance projects possible. Marijke holds a BFA in physical education with a specialisation in dance. She continued her modern dance studies at the Rotterdam Dance Academy (Codarts) in The Netherlands, and Dance Space Inc in NYC. Her continuing education includes studying extensively Tai Chi Chuan with 90 year old Chinese Grandmaster, William C. C. Chen, in NYC (short form, long form, application, Sword form and push-hands), and he gave her the certification title of Sifu in 2022 for his 60 postures short form and long form. She is currently teaching Tai Chi Chuan classes in New York City, and has been teaching Tai Chi for Dancers in Amsterdam and Berlin.
please be aware of our early bird special offer for this workshop! you can apply for this offer up until the 24th of march 2025. after the 24th the regular workshop fee applies. applications are accepted up until one day before the workshops starts.
b12 |||||||||||||| 2025 |||||||||||||| we are you ||||||||||||||